21 Amazing Vegan Chickpea Recipes

The secret ingredient for many vegan cooks, chefs, and bakers is beautiful, thick aquafaba (bean water). It is used as an egg replacer in many amazing recipes such as macarons, meringues, cookies, royal icing, and so much more. This amazing vegan nectar leaves us all with a common problem: we are drowning in a surplus of chickpeas (garbanzo beans).

Knowing that I’m not alone in my overwhelming supply of chickpeas, I have compiled a list of the internet’s best vegan recipes starring them so that you may finally reclaim your fridge and freezer back from the garbanzo overlords!

Psst… don’t miss my super chickpea tip at the bottom of the list!

More than just recipes...

So, there you have it! You are now armed with 21 amazing recipes to try against your stash of garbanzo beans - and they're not all hummus and curry!

One option remains, and it’s not even a recipe: farm animal sanctuaries and shelters. Give your local sanctuary a call or shoot them a message on Facebook and see if they'd like a delivery of your surplus beans. Most of the time, they will be thrilled with the gift - and the animals will be too!

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